Deemed to be University

Feedback on Curriculum by Professionals for Academic Year 2022-23

Sr# Question Poor (1) Average (2) Good (3) Very Good (4) Excellent (5)
1. Syllabus is suitable for the course
2. Curriculum developed and implemented has relevance to the local, regional, national and global health care needs.
3. Programme outcome of syllabus is well defined and clear.
4. Course outcome of syllabus is well defined and clear.
5. The courses have well balanced in theory and practical
6. Curriculum focus on competency /employability/entrepreneurship / skill development
7. Academic flexibility in curriculum which provides opportunity for students to pursue their interest.
8. How do you rates student’s knowledge about soft skills, procedural skill, professionalism, communication skill required for profession.
9. Periodical syllabus revision as per changing health care needs.
Opinion and suggestions