Deemed to be University

Feedback for Academic Year 2022-23

Sr# Question Poor (1) Average (2) Good (3) Very Good (4) Excellent (5)
1. The contents of each lesson were as per my prospects
2. Curricular Planning, Design, Development, Transaction and Delivery in their Academic Programmes
3. Curricular Focus on Knowledge, Skills, Competence, Attitude, Communication Skill, Employability and Entrepreneurship
4. Curricular Enrichment through Value Added Programmes / Training / Workshops to enhance Skills, competence and Professionation
5. Orientation towards Syllabus / Curriculum (Content / Delivery/ Transaction / Evaluation) through Foundation / Induction / Orientation Programmes
6. Coverage of relevant and important topics like Environment, Climate Charge, Demography, Health Determinants, Human Rights, Values and Ethics in the curriculum
7. Scope for Co- Curricular Activities and Beyond curriculum scholarly Activities. Transaction Like Guest Lecture / Seminar / Assignments / Research / Group Discussion/ Field work / Internship / Community Posting.
Suggestion and Recommendations on curricular Aspect / Syllabus